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When I See You (A Novel)
Katherine Owen
Progress: 13 %
We Were Liars
E. Lockhart
Progress: 15 %
C.S. Starr
Progress: 31 %
Red Rising
Pierce Brown
Progress: 8 %
H.A. Swain
Progress: 20 %
Grasping at Eternity
Karen Amanda Hooper
Progress: 14 %
Sarah Rees Brennan
Progress: 19/356 pages
You Know What You Have to Do
Bonnie Shimko
Progress: 3 %
The Corollaria
Courtney B. Jones
The Waking Dreamer
J.E. Alexander
Midnight Bayou - Nora Roberts This book was good. This was the first Roberts novel I picked up and it got me hooked. I enjoy the way she writes the protagonists. Declan isn't the typical rich kid who expects everything in the world to fall into his lap. He works with his hands and is willing to go against what everyone in his world expects in order to be happy. And Lena is a female lead that intrigues me from the first time she's mentioned. I think I enjoyed this book so much because its set in New Orleans, and I have a soft spot for the city. Another book I couldn't put down until I finished and I didn't finish it until 3 in the morning. Totally worth it.