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When I See You (A Novel)
Katherine Owen
Progress: 13 %
We Were Liars
E. Lockhart
Progress: 15 %
C.S. Starr
Progress: 31 %
Red Rising
Pierce Brown
Progress: 8 %
H.A. Swain
Progress: 20 %
Grasping at Eternity
Karen Amanda Hooper
Progress: 14 %
Sarah Rees Brennan
Progress: 19/356 pages
You Know What You Have to Do
Bonnie Shimko
Progress: 3 %
The Corollaria
Courtney B. Jones
The Waking Dreamer
J.E. Alexander
Reached - Ally Condie Poetic. Beautiful. Disappointing. Pointless. I'm not sure what the point if this trilogy is but I enjoyed reading it. I think I've never been as let down by the ending of a book as this one. I'm happy Zander found what he was looking for and Cassia got her HEA, but the way it comes about is odd. Almost as if the author realized what she was doing with the triangle and had to come up with a quick solution. Did I waste my time with this series? Maybe, but I got a little enjoyment out if it. The resolutions are paper thin and kind of cliffhanging. Not liking that aspect but it leaves the reader to assume what they want the outcome to be.

I wouldn't read this again unless I was in the mood for a strictly romantic read where poetry rules and flowery words tickle the heart with love syllables. Lol. Yeah, it read like that to me.